Teaching My First Class on Genetic Engineering/Synthetic Biology

classWe had a large group of people come for our first Genetic Engineering/Synthetic Biology at Dallas, it was held at Dallas Maker Space, we started by preparing for the class several days in advance by prepping the MS medium for the Tissue Culture Lab.

The Tissue culture was Multi solution, from Microclone.

22 in attendance to yesterday’s first SynBio class.
5 first time guests
2 new DMS members Great job with the DMS tour.

Now there was also a lecture before the lab, on the basics of Genetic Engineering

Lecture Slides


Plant Tissue Culture Microclone Kit Issues/Review

image1I found that some of the longer containers that are included in the MicroClone kit, the plastic is too brittle and when you push it into the container, they crack and break, nearly all of the containers were cracked, and contaminated with fungis and had to be thrown away.

I still think that the kit, is a good starter kit, it helped me overcome the fear and uncertainty around Tissue Culture, I now know the basics and can move on to more advanced techniques if I so choose.